Hysterosalpingography (HSG)


Hysterosalpingography evaluates the shape of the uterus and checks if the fallopian tubes are open. It is also used to investigate miscarriages due to uterine issues.

Where to Do It in Lisbon?

Schedule your hysterosalpingography through our contact page so we can make an appointment and provide specialized follow-up.



  • Study of the uterine cavity
  • Study of tubal patency


  • Pregnancy or possibility of pregnancy
  • Recent or current pelvic infection
  • Uterine bleeding or spotting
  • History of allergy to contrast material

How to Prepare

Schedule your exam for 7 to 10 days after the first day of your menstrual period but before ovulation. This is the best time for the exam.

Do not undergo this procedure if you have an active pelvic infection. Inform your doctor and technologist if you have any signs of pelvic infection or an untreated STD.

Before the procedure, you may take medication to minimize any discomfort. Some doctors prescribe an antibiotic before and/or after the procedure.

You should inform your doctor about any medications you are taking and if you have any allergies, especially to iodinated contrast materials. Also inform your doctor about recent illnesses or other medical conditions.

You will need to remove some clothing and wear a gown for the exam. Remove any metal objects or clothing in the pelvic area that might interfere with X-ray images.

Women should always tell their doctor and radiologist if they are pregnant. Many tests are not performed during pregnancy to avoid exposing the fetus to risk. If an X-ray is necessary, the doctor will take precautions to minimize radiation exposure to the baby.

Results and Diagnosis

A radiologist, a doctor specially trained to supervise and interpret radiology exams, will review the images and send a signed report to your primary care or referring doctor, who will discuss the results with you.

Follow-up exams may be required. If so, your doctor will explain why. Sometimes, a follow-up exam is done because a potential abnormality needs further evaluation with additional views or a special imaging technique. Follow-up exams can also be done to see if there has been any change in the abnormality over time. Follow-up exams are sometimes the best way to see if treatment is working or if an abnormality is stable or has changed.

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